4/12 HTML styles - added background colour to all the headings IDEA: look at websites which r slightly better coded so that you dont gt discouraged too quickly if ykwim - time worked: 1 hour
5/12 HTML styles - fck around w/ styles - looks pretty cool. Problem: how do I put multiple properties for one html element. So, I want the text to both have a colour and a font for example.(I will leave one property per element for now)time worked: 30/40 mins
6/12 HTML formatting - all the format elements and adding a bunch of pictures of men for laughs time worked: idk like an hour
7/12 HTML quotations blockquote,q, address, cite, bdo dir
8/12 HTML comments - making comments within the code without them showing on the webpage and hiding certain elements using the comment attribute + HTML colours - border stuff and just famliarise myself with the many ways you can put colour into your element such as with HEX,RGB and HSL but I didn't go into detail on the psecifics. I'll just refer back to the pages if i need some sort of specific colour. time worked: 11:24 - 12:18
10/12 HTML links - i can't figure out relative links. I am writing them without https://www. bit, but it just come up as "Page not found" withing MY website. Lots of cheese related activities. Will continue links later as it's 21:25 and i gotta go to sleep. Time worked: 54 mins
11/12 Today, I want to create multiple pages within my websites,so I can organise information better and not have to scroll down forever for something. Lessgooooo. Time worked: one hour approx
12/12 Goals for today: create a separate page for photography(done), finish the tutorial on links(not quite done), practice with links. Found out that I can't change a size of a picture. Will deal with that later. I figured it out! time worked: 10:23 -11:24
13/12 HTML links
21/12 (Was on a holiday hehe) HTML styles CSS 20:01 - 20:39 (worked both in HTML learning page and the OG page. Only until CSS colours, fonts and sizes. Once I get all this knowledge, I will make the OG page look nicer.
22/12 HTML styles CSS (border, margin, padding) 11:04 - 11:30
23/12 HTML link colours 16:48 - 17:22
24/12 HTML link bookmarks 20:10 - 20:19
26/12 Goal - add buttons for each inspo site + HTML image map 17:31 - 19:08 (got a bit carried away with Waltuh) (will continue when I figure out how to calculate coordinates of an image (vry tired hehe) (I was trying to figure out why the iamge wasn't loading and then I focking realised that the HTML learning page was in a nother folder *facepalm*)
27/12 Image maps 17:14 - 17:57 so tiiired. Fun lil sesh. I didn't go to the JavaScript section of the page. Found a useful websitefor finding out the coordinates of an image https://programminghead.com/Projects/find-coordinates-of-image-online.html
31/12 Just added floating images of shrek. I am starting to lose motivation to build this website further. I don't know why. Maybe it's just today that I feel a bit off, but maybe it's the realisation that I will have to focus on uni work more and I've already started prep for next term, so my mind is occupied with whatever else. I think I shall spread out my coding a bit more. Maybe a couple of times a week. Hmm. Well, it's okay, it was fun while it lasted. But i hope it will last longer cause this thing is very cool.
I am back. So previously I added a favicon but I didn't write it on here. Today is HTML Tables - yay tables. I want to make a table showing synonyms and antonyms of a word. 17:27 - 17:46